What happens when you start journaling every day

I teach an early yoga class on Friday mornings and it provides a fantastic start to the weekend. Everyone in the class seems to feel relieved and excited that it’s Friday, and there is a positive energy radiating throughout the group. What's even better is that a connection has grown among the yogis who regularly come to practice before heading into work, and taking part in a community first thing in the morning is a special experience that I can’t fully articulate.

Anyway, since I teach early on Fridays and a couple of other days during the week, sometimes I’m not able to journal when I wake up (I mean I could be able to journal but there’s no way I’m waking up any earlier). BUT having committed to journaling responses to questions each weekday morning and night this month, I’ve been journaling once I get home from class.

As I write consistently, one thing that I’ve noticed, which goes along with what I mentioned in an earlier post, is that I write much more than just responses to the daily questions. As long as I am taking time to journal, I find that I journal about additional things. For instance, last night I felt the urge to add the question, “What did I receive today?” into the list of evening reflection questions. And I wound up recording some meaningful things in response. More specifically, I wrote about a number of items, and they were qualitative in nature. My responses included things like, “A compliment”, “An opportunity to teach a class”, and “Gratitude from so-and-so”.

It felt wonderful to reflect on these positive intangibles that I had received from the day. It also made me feel abundant, which is a great emotion to have at the end of the day.

I don’t really have a final sign-off ready to go, but maybe this post will inspire you to pick up pen and paper today and see what goodness arises.