Have you ever felt that your energy has changed the entire atmosphere of a situation? I had this experience last Friday. I came in to teach my regular 6 a.m. yoga class at the studio, and I wasn’t in the best mood. The week had had its ups and downs, and I woke up focusing on the downs. I came into the studio feeling kind of low. And I felt the effect it had on the class. Teaching the class helped me feel more present and happier, as it always does, but there just seemed to be an odd vibe for that hour. One of the students even mentioned feeling “off” that morning after class ended. After that, I promised myself not to let that happen again. I promised to show up fully for each class I teach, in order to best serve the yogis coming to practice.
So the next day as I drove to the studio on my way to teach another morning class, I put on an uplifting podcast to boost my mood. By the time I got to the studio I felt happy and calm. And the effect of my state on the class was noticeable. It was such a powerful, connected class that I felt almost Zen-like afterward.
It’s really amazing how your mood affects your energy, and how this energy creates a ripple effect to others around you.
Following these experiences, I reflected on the change in my energy after listening to that podcast. It made me consider other ways that are available to us to change our energy. I’ll preface the strategies outlined below with this: Everyone is different, and we all have things that lift our mood. Maybe some of the techniques below will resonate with you, or maybe you know of a different way. Whatever works for you is best for you.
5 ways to change your energy
Listen to an uplifting podcast. I’m taking a page right out of my own book with this one! I’ll save podcast episodes that really speak to me in order to pull them up later if I need a pick-me-up. This is what I did on the way to the studio that second morning. I played an Abraham-Hicks podcast episode that I knew and loved. I was familiar with the positive message it provided.
Meditate. Meditation can be a powerful tool for changing your energy. You can meditate in a way that speaks to you. If you are upset with someone or even yourself, you can listen to a loving-kindness meditation. If you are feeling anxious, you can listen to a guided meditation to ground you and increase your presence, or meditate to soothing music.
Exercise. I’m talking about aerobic exercise specifically here. Exercise that gets your heart beating and blood flowing is shown to boost your mood through the release of those feel-good chemicals, endorphins. You don’t have to run, either. Engaging in exercise that focuses on building strength can help you feel powerful and more confident.
Yoga. Engaging in yoga shifts your attention to your body and breath, and away from what may be dragging you down. Also, you can tailor your practice to meet your energetic needs. If you’re in need of feeling more love or worth, find a heart-opening yoga video on YouTube. Practicing yoga regularly (i.e., twice per week according to some research) has been shown to lower stress and rumination tendencies (that is, focusing on past mistakes).
Read a passage from a book. I’m often encouraged by reading a passage from a book. Usually I pull from spiritual or wellness books that have a different entry for each day, like “Journey to the Heart” by Melody Beattie. Sometimes I read the entry for the specific day, but a lot of times I open the book to a random page and see what entry reveals itself to me. I’ve found this to be a powerful way to feel more connected and aligned.